Exchanges & Returns


Of course it may happen that you wish to return a product or order to us or cancel (part of) your order. In such a case, we distinguish between stock items and items ordered specially for you.

An item ordered especially for you cannot be returned by us. 

You must report returns to us in writing/email no more than 7 days after the delivery date. After this period we unfortunately cannot take back items. In all cases, products must be clean, unused, unassembled and in the original and undamaged packaging.

You may bring your product in person, but may also use a delivery service to do so, the cost of any delivery service will be at your own expense. Any transport damage incurred during return transport will be at the customer's expense.

To avoid problems, we recommend that you send the return by registered mail and adequately insured.

After the product is taken back by us, we will subject it to an inspection whether the product meets the intact condition and if so, we will return the amount of your purchase(s), by bank to you within 14 days.


We can imagine that you have placed an order, but later wish to change or cancel it. In such a case, you must notify us in writing or by e-mail within 48 hours after ordering. After this period and especially in the case of specially ordered items, there is a chance that the order can unfortunately no longer be canceled or changed, so you will have to take the entire order.


From swapping comes crying😉

Exchanging is actually the same as returning your item and ordering a new one. This is therefore also subject to the return conditions, as mentioned above.
